This project uses: C# and Unity

video: project demonstration

GitHub Repository


A game about collecting strawberries where the player icon and the platform can be moved separately around the screen. The player gains a point by collecting a strawberry and loses a point by collecting a blueberry. The player must collecting 10 points before the timer ends, or loses the game. This game is developed in unity, with the code written in c#. All art and sound assets are created by myself. This project was created for an assignment as part of my Game Development class.

Left key- moves the player object left at a fixed velocity
Right key- moves the player object right at a fixed velocity
Up key- applies force so the player jumps up
W- moves the helper/box object up at a fixed velocity
A- moves the helper/box object left at a fixed velocity
S- moves the helper/box object down at a fixed velocity
D- moves the helper/box object right at a fixed velocity

Score +1 if the player collects a strawberry
Score -1 if the player collects a blueberry
Win- when collecting 10 strawberries before the timer counts down
Lose- when collecting less than 10 strawberries before the timer counts down